Monday, November 28, 2016

Kindness and Letting Go

Thanksgiving Dinner
On Thanksgiving Day I came down with a cold.  One of those nasty colds that takes over your world.  So instead of being able to do what I'd originally planned -- have a day  to relax and do art, I had to obey the dictates of my body.

I was mad -- all that conscientious hand washing during flu season, eating fairly decently and taking supplements -- all for nothing?!  And I felt physically crappy.  My energy was gone.  My art mojo went out the window.

Ink, Watercolor and Watercolor Pencils
(Sketched the day after Thanksgiving)
Often at times like this, I struggle with whether to push through or give in.  The truth is, on this occasion I felt I had little choice.  Sneezing and breathing were taking everything I had.  Lying on the couch watching cooking shows (somehow I always find them soothing), talk shows, and reruns of sitcoms seemed like the best option -- all in hopes that the TV would lull me to sleep and out of my misery.

Ultimately, I chose to be kind to myself and let go. For me on this day, that meant doing no art.  Doing no art until my body was stronger. 

Bernadette an Wallowitz from "The Big Bang Theory"
By the end of the day, I still felt crappy but I was able to sit with my sketchbook and do a quick sketch of people on TV. That brought me some happiness.  I am convinced though -- art or no art -- that kindness and letting go are necessary ingredients to living the good life.

May we all be kinder to ourselves and others.  It's truly the best way.

"The View from Where I Sit"
(Purple Uniball Pen on Paper)


  1. Jane, I'm sorry to hear that you had a cold. I hope that you are feeling better now. Lisa

    1. Thank you for your thoughtfulness, Lisa. I am feeling so much better now. I attribute that to rest and maybe the apple cider vinegar. (I had one of the speediest recoveries I've ever had!) :-)
