Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Following a Whim

7 1/2" x 10" Mixed Media 
I did the paintings shown here in the past few days.  "Simon", above, was the dear cat of  some friends of mine.  I never got to meet Simon but my friends gave me a couple of photos of him and I used those to make this composite painting.  On a whim I decided to give him a colorful background, with the intention of having him stand out more due to the contrast.  ...And yes, I do like bright colors.  

Here's the painting in it's earlier stages:

Below are two "in process" versions and then the final version of "Afternoon Stroll".  I 
took about  and hour and a half to do this one.   You can click any image to enlarge it.  (Photo reference from Sktchy app.)  

Painting cast shadows (the shadows that are cast by an object) has been daunting to me in the past, but over time it's getting easier.  I find they're not really hard to do if I just paint what I truly see instead of what I think I see. When done well, they make such a difference in creating depth to a painting.  You can see what I mean when comparing the final version of this painting and the one preceding it.

"Afternoon Stroll"
Ink and Watercolor on Paper

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