Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Simon the Cat, Revisited

"Simon" - Ink and Watercolor
(Approx. 8" x 9 3/4")
If the cat above looks familiar, you either knew Simon personally or you saw a previous painting I did of him from my post on 12/7/16 entitled "Following a Whim."  The painting above was commissioned by a friend who wants to surprise his wife on her birthday. 

Below are some versions of Simon as I take him from pencil sketch to the final painting.  I used my friend's photo for my reference and then looked online to get more ideas, including options for a colorful and contrasting background.

My pencil sketch.  I worked on this for quite a while until I got a sketch I was happy with.

I then used my Micron 005 pen to ink over the pencil sketch.
Looking more like Simon here. ...Need to thicken his tail.

"Simon" - The final version.

Note:  "A Path with Paint" blog will be on vacation for the next two weeks, returning with a new post on Monday, January 9.  Happy holidays!

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