Sunday, July 24, 2016

A Portrait in Process: Layers of Hugh Laurie

A Portrait in Process:  Layers of Hugh Laurie

(Reminder:  If you would like to be entered in a drawing to win a free watercolor painting by me of your pet, child, or relative, simply leave a comment at the end of this post or the post on Wednesday of this week.  Drawing will be on Thursday, July 28th and the winner will be announced!)

     I had never painted a portrait in acrylics before and recently wanted to dive in and try it. What you see here are the results of my process.  Same painting, different versions, in chronological order.  Layers and layers of Hugh Laurie.



Two of my favorite portrait artists -- Chuck Close (  and Gwenn Seemel ( -- have very different and unusual styles, each taking the original image of their subject, and then going off on their own painting trajectories to create works that are distinctive and captivating.  Each of their styles grabs your eye and holds it.  You either love their works or hate them.  I happen to love them.  

     In the multiple incarnations of this portrait that I painted, I attempted to listen to my own inner voice while happily allowing myself to be influenced in whatever ways possible by artists such as Close, Seemel, and others.  The painting was in process over the course of 10 weeks.  I didn't paint daily on it.  In fact, I let it sit on the shelf for long periods of time  when I felt stuck. Honestly, at times I hesitated to put more paint down for fear of "damaging" it irreparably.  That is one of my struggles, and here you see it in action (or inaction)!


 The painting is not yet finished.  It may go through several more metamorphoses before I call it done.  In the meantime, I will paint other things.  When I am ready, I will return to you, Hugh Laurie.


  1. This piece is wonderful and paintings tell your story! I would be honored to be entered in your lottery for a painting!! This is Pau, btw, choosing anonymous as my profile for privacy. Hope that is ok.

    1. Thank you very much, Pau, for your lovely words. And you are now entered in the drawing!
