Wednesday, July 20, 2016

For the Love of Sktchy

For the Love of Sktchy

     One of my favorite apps these days is Sktchy.  It's a great app for artists as it offers a wide array of free photos to download for sketching and painting.  You can upload your finished artwork and have it posted in the gallery with the works of other artists.  The Sktchy community is very kind, supportive, and appreciative.  When posting a drawing you've done, (especially if it's inspired by the photo of someone's child or pet!), you can expect to get thank you's and praise for your work.

     What Sktchy helps me do is keep my art habit active.  There's nothing like having a wealth of free images at my fingertips to get me to break out my pen and watercolors and start sketching.  Having other Sktchy users offer compliments for my artistic efforts is icing on the cake! 

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