Monday, July 18, 2016

My Morning Art Fix

My Morning Art Fix

      I  like to start my day with art in two ways -- by doing my own sketches and by looking at other people's art.  I'm fortunate in that I don't need to be at my day job until the later part of the morning.  This allows me time to grab a coffee and sketch somewhere, either in a coffee shop or at my office.  But even if I didn't have a job that started later, I'd still want to get up early enough to sketch.  

     It wasn't always this way.  It's only been in the past year or so  that I've made a point of getting up on a daily basis to draw or paint before tending to my normal responsibilities.  It's changed my life.  There's something deeply satisfying about starting the day getting into "the zone" with your passion.  It puts me in a good mood.  And I like having tangible evidence of my efforts.  I can look back at any time during the rest of the day to view my sketch, (my new "baby"), and feel a sense of gratification.  Being able to say to myself, "I did that," feels like my day has had purpose.  Yes, it's harder with crappy drawings,  but it still works.  Each one is an accomplishment and a learning experience.  And once we've sketched, the thing to do is move on to the next one.  Another day, another sketch.

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