Friday, July 15, 2016



     Hello and welcome to my art blog!  My name is Jane Cobb. It is with a mixture of excitement and trepidation that I invite you to accompany me on this art journey.  Excitement because I love looking at art, making it, and sharing it.  Trepidation because, well, I'm outing myself and my art processes -- warts and all.  The truth is, I have a perfectionist streak that can get in the way of taking risks. During my day job as a psychotherapist, I work with people dealing with a variety of issues and problems -- people who bravely share their vulnerabilities with me.  In my time with them, in addition to learning what's not working in their lives, I also want to hear what brings them joy.  What are their passions? -- since it's our passions that give us a sense of meaning and motivation in life.  In my off hours, as I create with paint, crayons, and markers on paper or canvas, I have the opportunity to witness my own vulnerability and passions.  Both my sense of elation and my self-doubts arise.  

     One thing I've learned as I pursue my path as an artist, is that my love and desire for creating is stronger than my fear.  That doesn't mean my fear is nonexistent however!  In this blog I will be plunging head-first into both the fear and the joy as I share my art process with you.  I'm happy you're coming along for the ride! 


  1. All the best and look forward for more art works posted here.

  2. Thank you so much, my artistic friend!

  3. CONGRATULATIONS, Jane! Your watercolors bring bright spots to the world! Like that you've mostly taught yourself and that you are enjoying art in your life and sharing the happiness with us.

    1. Thank you, Karen! That's so sweet and thoughtful of you. ...And I'm glad to know of your artworks too!

  4. Yay Jane! I'm so glad to be able to follow your art endeavors! Keep having fun - it shows in your work! Love you - Jan

    1. Oh, thank you, Jan!! It made me happy to read your comments. And I love knowing you'll be checking in, staying connected this way! Love you too, Jane

  5. This is so cool, Jane.... but don't stop posting on FB, also!!!

    1. Thanks so much, Jake! And yes, I intend to keep posting on FB. Will have more here.

    2. Hello lovely Jane! I am so thrilled to see your blog, and inspired by your stick-to-it-ness. Looking forward to your posts.

    3. Hi Melissa. Thank you for your sweet comments and I'm glad to have you as a viewer!

  6. I like all your paintings and that you prioritize creating them!
