Monday, August 22, 2016

And Now for Something Completely Different

And Now for Something Completely Different


In the past few weeks I've been working in acrylics, specifically doing abstract paintings.  The two photos above are a diptych -- a painting in two parts.  Here the two parts are pictured separately.  Each canvas measures 16" x 20". 

The images below show the paintings in an earlier stage.  I started the process by drawing a grid on both canvases.  I then began playing, using primarily quinacridone magenta, yellow ochre, black and white paints as I let my instincts tell me what to do next.  Some of the time I let the grid influence my choices in how I put the paint down, other times I disregarded the grid.

Here you see the two earlier versions side by side:: 

And finally, the diptych in it's completed form:


  1. Wow, I really like this Jane. Very cool!

