Monday, August 1, 2016

Influences: Natalie Goldberg

Influences:  Natalie Goldberg

     One of my favorite influences is Natalie Goldberg.  A writer, artist, and Buddhist, she approaches her craft with depth and wisdom. 

     I first attended one of Natalie's writing workshops in Chicago in the mid-1980's.  Her groundbreaking book, Writing Down the Bones, had just been published. At that time I didn't know she painted.  I myself was not painting then but I was involved with the local Buddhist/Shambhala center and was interested in writing and in understanding the human mind (mine included). Natalie's directive to write freely, spontaneously, and without premeditation or self-criticism appealed to me.  "Keep your hand moving," she said.

     I like those ideas for drawing and painting too, but they're sometimes hard to put into practice.  Keeping my hand moving is fairly easy.  Not being self-critical is more challenging, but it's something I aim for.  

     Among the words of wisdom Natalie shares in Writing Down the Bones are the instructions her Zen teacher gave her.  I have held on to these guidelines myself, using them throughout the years.  They serve me well to this day.  You can apply them to any creative endeavor and to all of life: 

          *Don't get tossed away.
          *Continue under all circumstances.
          *Make positive effort for the good. 

     To see Natalie's paintings, as well as her books and workshop offerings, visit her website at:  (Or click on her name in the "Favorite Links" section of this blog.)


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