Monday, August 8, 2016

Something About Dogs

Something About Dogs

In the past I was never into dogs.   But things change: as an artist I now view dogs differently than I did years ago.   Whenever I see a dog these days I want to sketch it. 

A dog in motion is challenging -- full of life -- sniffing, wagging, exploring.  A quiet dog or a photo of a dog affords a different kind of connection.  When I look into the face (eyes especially) of a dog or dog in a photo, my pen or paintbrush in hand, I'm in "the Zone" and engaged in a relationship of sorts.  I want to know what the dog is thinking, feeling.  Surely we're not so different, this dog and I.

Their faces are so expressive.  A cocked head with eye-contact is definitely saying something.  What would he or she say if they could talk?  Is it an eager, "Hello, it's me!" or "Tell me again how cute I am!" or ...?

You may have your own ideas about what these dogs are saying.  Or what your own dog is saying to you right now.

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