Monday, August 15, 2016

The Three Jakes

The Three Jakes

My photographer friend Jake Lorfing and I made a recent trip to Strange Brew in Austin for coffee and a catch-up chat.  Jake is a contemplative Miksang photographer.  He takes miraculous, mind stopping photos from around the world.  I find his images evocative, often bringing me a sense of peace or awe.  You can see his photos and learn more about him at his website: or visit the link in the Favorite Links on this blog.   

This outing was a fun way to try a new (to me) coffee spot, spend some quality time with a good friend, and take advantage of an opportunity for sketching.  Jake seemed to have no hesitation in taking photos of anyone and everyone with his huge camera, while I was shier and felt a bit intrusive using my phone to snap images.  I soon decided to follow Jake's example and click away.  

I took the above photo of Jake on my phone and then made two sketches once I was back home.  The first one I did in only ink and watercolor.  It's a relatively quick sketch, about 40 minutes.  The guy in the background on the right is rather wonky-looking!

For the second sketch (below), I used pencil first as I wanted to take my time and capture a better likeness of Jake. This one took about 2 hours for the entire sketch and then another 20 minutes or so for the watercolor.  Of the two sketches, I like it the best.  I'm pleased with how Jake is clearly the focus, while the two men in the background add some context but don't steal the show. 

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