Wednesday, October 19, 2016

A Quickie Chicky (and Thoughts on Not Having Enough Time for Art)

My Sketch for Inktober, Day 17
It's been a busy past few days.  Taking care of various grown-up obligations during the week meant my sketching had to take more of a back seat than I wanted it to.   Even when there's something we're passionate about, something we really want to do, there are times when life gets in the way and we have to do what's in front of us.  (Did I hear someone say "periodontist appointment"?) 

While I continue my efforts with Inktober (i.e. doing an ink drawing for every day of October), it's a real challenge finding the time to do it, especially when I try to follow the prompt or theme of the day.  Shown here are sketches I did for days 17 and 18 of Inktober.
My Sketch for Inktober, Day 18 (Prompt: "Escape")
I find the reflections of artist France Belleville-van Stone, one of the teachers at Sketchbook Skool to be helpful when I might otherwise be frustrated with not having enough time to sketch.  France is an artist and working mother who teaches high school French for a living. She notes that having limited time to draw due to other responsibilities has led to a shift in her attitude about failure and imperfection.   She values and encourages an appreciation for incomplete drawings -- the ones we don't have time to finish.  In her own words:

"Surprising as it may seem, it's a liberating feeling to have very little control over your time to draw."

"My limitations have become my biggest opportunities.  What I first thought was going to be crippling has allowed me to stretch as an artist.  I have grown as a result of being thwarted."

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