Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Closing in on the Inktober Finish Line

"Squirrel"  Ink and Watercolor (6" x 6")
With less than a week left in the Inktober challenge, here are a few of my sketches from the past several days.  If you are wondering about a theme, there isn't one.  I just sketched whatever struck my fancy.  As you can see, it varied from day to day!

"Dude" Ink on Paper (5" x 6")

"Hug"  Ink and Watercolor (6" x 6")
Of these 3, my personal favorites are "Squirrel" and "Dude."  I really didn't know how the squirrel was going to turn out -- I was experimenting with the watercolors, not quite sure how to get a look of fur.  With "Dude" I had fun even though I made some mistakes.  I always have a hard time with people in hats!  I'm pleased with how his striped shirt came out and it was easier to do than I thought.  It just took patience and being willing to spend some time on it.  

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