Monday, October 10, 2016

Recent Sketches: Stealthy Little Pigs on a Mission (and More)

Here are a few recent ink and watercolor sketches.  When in doubt, I sketch pigs!  
Stealthy Pigs on a Mission

And below are two sketches of a happy little family:

I did the pen and ink sketch while enjoying my coffee on Friday. I finished it by adding watercolor at another coffeeshop on Saturday.  (Reference photos from Sktchy app.)

I got to spend much of the weekend doing art -- primarily using acrylics. (Not shown here.)  Images from those paintings will follow in subsequent posts.  Stay tuned, and thanks for stopping by!


  1. Jane, I like your stealthy pig art. Have a great week!


    1. Thank you, Lisa! I'm glad you like pigs too. There's something about little pigs (at least the illustrated versions) that are quite charming. ...You have a great week too!
