Monday, October 31, 2016

Eight Sketches -- Pigs, People, and the Inktober Finale

"OMG" (5" x 8")  Ink on 140 lb. watercolor paper
As the Inktober challenge comes to a close, I'm posting my last 8 sketches.  Have a look! (Click individual images to enlarge.)
"Surprise" (4 1/2" x 5 1/4") Ink and Watercolor on 140 lb. watercolor paper

"Little" (8" x 5") Ink and Watercolor on 140 lb. watercolor paper

I felt stretched by the assignment to do a daily drawing in ink.  Some days I followed the prompt or theme; other days it was all I could do to put pen to paper and see what happened.  

"Untitled" (5" x 7") Ink and Watercolor on 140 lb. watercolor paper
"Untitled" (4 1/4" x 7") Ink on 140 lb. watercolor paper

"Untitled" (7" x 5 1/4") Ink on 140 lb. watercolor paper

Looking back, I'm glad I took the challenge.  I have no doubt that some of these drawings and paintings would never have happened if it weren't for the directive (and my "Inner Disciplinarian") telling me to get busy and sketch.  Definitely, the little pig drawings came about only because of the Inktober prompts: "Surprise," "Little," and "Wreck."  ...I'll say more about the pros and cons of having an Inner Disciplinarian in a later post.
"I Backed My Car into a Cop Car the Other Day..." (Inktober  Prompt: "Wreck"  8" x 5"  Ink and Watercolor on 140 lb.  watercolor paper)

"Carole King" (4 1/2" x 5" Ink on 140 lb. watercolor paper)

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